25 may 2023

5.15a wake / make coffee / admin 7.20a prep/eat breakfast 8.15-11a admin 11a-12p run errands 12p lunch 1-2p video mtg / smfa 2-3.45p outdoor work 4-5p phone chat / studio 5.15p tv 7.50p order/pickup dinner 8.20p dinner / tv 9.30p head to bed Continue reading 25 may 2023

24 may 2023

5.55a wake / make coffee / admin 8.15a breakfast 8.30a-12.30p admin 11a-12.10p video mtg / studio 12.30-1.45p run errands 2-5.15p admin 5.20p order dinner 5.25p run errand / grab dinner 6p dinner / tv 9.30p head to bed Continue reading 24 may 2023

23 may 2023

4.30a wake / coffee 5.30-7a admin 7.15a run errands 8.15a breakfast 9.15-9.45a video mtg 1p prep/eat lunch 3-4.30p admin 5p prep/eat dinner 9p head to bed Continue reading 23 may 2023

22 may 2023

5.55a wake 6.05a coffee / admin 7.45a breakfast 8a-11a admin / studio 11a-12.30p outdoor work 12.30p lunch 1-2p admin 7.30p dinner 9.30p head to bed Continue reading 22 may 2023

21 may 2023

5a wake / make coffee 5.10a admin 6.30a travel to tufts / run errands 7.30-11.30a union actions 12.15-2.45p travel home 1.30p lunch 6.30p dinner / tv 9p head to bed Continue reading 21 may 2023

20 may 2023

6.30a wake / make coffee 6.45-10.45a admin 11a-12.15p run errands 12.30p breakfast/lunch 1.30p travel to smfa 1-4.30p admin/studio 5-7p reception 7p travel to apt 7.15p order / grab dinner 7.45p dinner 9.45p head to bed Continue reading 20 may 2023

19 may 2023

5.10a wake / make coffee 5.20a admin 7a prep/eat breakfast 9.45-12.15p travel to smfa / run errands 12-12.15p union phone call 1.15p lunch 2-4p reception 4-5p studio 5-5.30p travel to tufts 5.30-8p reception 8.10p travel to dinner 8.30p dinner 10.20-10.45p travel to apt 11p head to bed Continue reading 19 may 2023

18 may 2023

5.35a wake / make coffee 5.40-8.15a admin 8.15a prep/eat breakfast 8.45a-11.30a admin 11.30a run errands 12.15-1.30p admin 12.30p prep/eat lunch 3.30-5.30p admin 5.30-6.30p run errands 6.30-7.15p prep/eat dinner / tv 7.30-8.30p union phone calls 8.30-9.30p studio 9.45p head to bed Continue reading 18 may 2023

17 may 2023

4.30a wake 4.35a coffee / admin 7a breakfast 7.30-11.40a admin 10-10.30a video mtg / tufts union 10.30-11.15a phone/video mtg / tufts union 11.45a-12p video mtg / tufts union caucus 12-1.50 video mtg / tufts union bargaining 1.50-3p video mtg / tufts union caucus 3-5p studio / admin 4.25-4.45p phone mtg / tufts union 5p tv … Continue reading 17 may 2023

16 may 2023

4.35a wake 4.45-7.45a admin 8a travel to smfa / grab breakfast 8.15a breakfast 9a-7p install exhibition / admin 2p lunch 6.45-7p phone mtg / tufts union 7-7.30p phone mtg / tufts union 7p travel to apt 7.30-9.15p travel home 8.15p dinner 9.45-10.15p admin 10.15p head to bed Continue reading 16 may 2023